The Measure

Author: Nikki Erlick

Mood: Emotional. Reflective.

Summary: People all over the world wake up one morning to find personalized boxes on their doorsteps. Inside is a string that tells them the length of their lives. As people realize the measure of their days, they plot, scheme, despair, or build hope on how to make the most with what time they have left.

Review: This book did something to me. I started having panic attacks and worrying about my will. In addition to the emotional depth, the author envisions how humans are likely to use this information to shape life— the way we date, the jobs we take, how we vote. Ultimately, a very well written story that lingers.

My Rating:

4.5 Stars

Pairing Beverage: While we can’t defeat death, we can enjoy a cocktail that at least suggests we can Live Forever.


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