Her Body and Other Parties
Author: Carmen Maria Machado
Mood: Dark. Reflective.
Summary: A collection of short stories that include The Husband Stitch, Inventory, and Eight Bites.
Review: I’m hardly an unbiased reader at this point— Machado can do no wrong in my book. Even bizarre literary explorations like Especially Heinous— a sixty page retelling of Law and Order: SVU in which Machado reimagines ten seasons of the show based on the episode titles— work for me. Machado believes that “every story is a haunted house story” and her amazing ability to see the imprints of the past on the present make me a believer too.
My Rating: 4 stars
Beverage Pairing: Just a Dirty Martini. I can’t explain why, you just have to trust my gut on this one.