Pride and Protest


Nikki Payne


In this retelling of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Liza is a community advocate rebuilding her life after being evicted as a result of rising rents and Dorsey is the CEO of a housing development company that threatens to gentrify her beloved D.C. neighborhood.


Being in the world of housing development myself, I should have been annoyed at the oversimplification of the complexities of affordable housing.

But I didn’t care.

I had no extra emotional bandwidth to invest in anything other than the lightening show between Liza and Dorsey as they went toe-to-toe. Unlike the original, the character strengths and flaws for both characters were well constructed and demonstrated in each of their interactions. I enjoyed watching a balanced debate social impact and responsibility and witnessing each person grow in empathy and mutual understanding.

That said, there were several important components of this modernized plot that were forced. But the story itself was so enjoyable, I don’t care. Definitely adding this audiobook to my re-read list!

My Rating:


Beverage Pairing

In honor of their first almost-date, we’re heading to the liquor cabinet for this book. Dorsey tells his cousin about a mysterious “Mezcal” girl, so we’ve found our base. Given the healthy dose of sexual chemistry throughout, we’ll be making ourselves a Spicy Mezcal Margarita.


What I Talk About When I Talk About Running


Baltasar and Blimunda